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      _#, .    ...,:o    o:,..  . ,#_ ,, b'ger

[barge of Charon]
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              _/ _)   \   \__/   (_
      b'ger  (,-(,(,(,/      \,),),)

[gate of Hell]
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             _.. .                                    .  ..  _

[three shades]

                    ,---.      .---.       .---.
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                   )     \     /   /        (      \
                   |     /    /   /          |     |
        b'ger  ..,:o    o:.. o:..o;...      o:...  o:...

[kicking butts]
   The rules are quite simple:
   You score one point for each guy you send in the boiling mud.
   You score three more points if you kick what's left of his brain
   out of his skull.
   You get disqualified if you kick an other part of the 'body'
   than the butt.

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        .    )         _     __.-'
       (   .(      _.-'_\.--"  _,--
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             ~~             "--

[dancing demons]

                    //,,            //,,            //,,
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             b'ger ,'-./_|-.,-' "-,__.-/_|_,-._        /_|

[Hell wouldn't be that bad if you
 didn't HAVE to watch soccer on tv]

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                 ||               c-'``      /
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               [____]      ...,o    |/      \|  b'ger

[catching flying-fishes]

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        ~~~~    ~~ ~~           (_(   ~ //_       b'ger
                       ~~~ ~      )\~~

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those
who, in times of moral crisis, preserved their neutrality.
                -attributed to Dante Alighieri-

                                           ______( 0 0 )______
                                          /_/_/_/\` ' `/\_\_\_\
         Damn! why am I always                  |-      |
  the last one to hear about these things...    |       |
                        /                      _|_______|_
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                   /   \                        |'   | ||
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       (    )      \      /     (    )          |       |
      ( )  '        |     |      '  ( )        _|_______|_
      _#, .    ...,:o    o:,..    . ,#_ ,, ,,,|___b'ger___|,,,

[The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse]

"And there before my eyes was a white horse, and its rider
 held a bow. He was given a crown, and he rode forth, conquering
 and to conquer... And out came another horse, all red. To its rider
 was given power to take peace from the earth and make men slaughter
 one another; and he was given a great sword...
 And there, as I looked, was a black horse; and its rider held
 in his hand a pair of scales... And there, as I looked, was another
 horse, sickly pale; and its rider's name was Death, and Hades came
 close behind. To him was given power over a quarter of the earth,
 with the right to kill by sword and by famine, by pestilence and
 wild beasts."
 Revelations 6:1-6

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          / (           /_/ (        / (    b'ger  /_/ (
          ^-'             ^-'        ^-'             ^-'

[One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse]
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                        Where the hell
                          am I now?
                 .----.     _/
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        b'ger  - /o__\\--
